10 top tips for Parkinson’s disease!

10 top tips for Parkinson’s is a set of tools to manage the daily life of your Parkinson’s better. The physical and emotional toll of Parkinson’s disease can have a significant impact on those diagnosed with the condition. With the right techniques and attitude, however,  Parkinson’s disease sufferers can live happier and healthier lives. How to do so? Here you will find 10 tips for managing Parkinson’s disease and make living with it more supportable. Studies have found that proper management of PD symptoms can improve quality of life and positively impact the progression of the disease

1. Create your care team to support you while living with PD

The first of the top 10 tips for Parkinson’s is a basic but very important one. Living with Parkinson’s disease (PD) can be a challenging endeavor, but there is a myriad of strategies available to help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. First, it is important to create a care team to support individuals living with PD. This team should consist of medical professionals, such as neurologists, physical therapists, and occupational therapists, who are knowledgeable about the disease and can advise on medications, treatments, and lifestyle changes. It is crucial to feeling supported, as the diagnosis often provokes anxiety and the feeling of being lost. 

2. Stay physically active

Recent studies show that staying physically active can help to slow down disease progression and also minimize symptoms such as tremors and improve movements and rigidity. Additionally, it could be highly beneficial to learn relaxation techniques, such as yoga and tai chi, to help with stress and fatigue. Exercise is important for both physical and mental health and has been found to improve motor symptoms, balance, and coordination. Number 2 is definitely a major top 10 tip for Parkinson’s. 

3. Improve your diet

The idea is not to change everything, but we know that a bad diet can harm your organism, and a healthy diet can improve your body’s functions. Aging in general and also Parkinson’s are related to galloping oxidation in the body. It is important to eat a healthy and balanced diet that is high in antioxidants, as this can help reduce inflammation and improve motor skills (Friedrich et al., 2018). Implementing food with strong anti-oxidant components can be helpful to assist your organism in staying balanced.
Superior food supplements with anti-oxidant properties and rich in L-dopa can also contribute to a better life quality and give an extra boost of energy and make feel more positive.

4. Stay socially active and connected to family and friends

Parkinson’s is often a fairly visible condition, especially if there are tremors, stiffness, “on” and “off” moments, or other disorders such as heavy salivation or speech difficulties. Parkinson’s is often a fairly visible condition, especially if there are tremors, stiffness, “on” and “off” moments, or other difficulties such as heavy salivation or speech difficulties. This can, in some cases, cause a feeling of shame.
However, staying socially active and connected to family and friends can help with psychological well-being and not end up isolated.

5. Set yourself achievable goals and join support groups

Additionally, setting achievable goals and joining support groups can help with motivation and provide a sense of community. Nobody can understand you better than others concerned by Parkinson’s. Setting achievable goals can also help to stay active and to remain positive in achieving them.

6. Organize yourself for singing, dancing and listening to music

Music Therapy has been found to be beneficial in treating Parkinson’s Disease and can help improve motor skills, increase concentration, and even reduce anxiety levels. Music therapy, including dancing,  is known to help people with Parkinson’s to improve posture, balance, and coordination, which can improve their mobility and ability to engage in daily activities.  It is very interesting to engage people with Parkinson’s in rhythmic activities, such as clapping,  drumming, and dancing, which can help to reduce tremors.  Communication skills can be improved by singing, and often the ability to interact with others improves as well.
Overall, music therapy can be a powerful tool for those living with Parkinson’s Disease and, not only music therapy but just singing at home, doing some dancing steps, and listening to music can be very helpful. 

7. Reduce your stress level

Stress is often related to our modern life, and the diagnosis of Parkinson’s and the development of the disease can induce major stress.
Stress management can help reduce anxiety and depression, two common symptoms of PD, and people having this condition can highly benefit from any activity and method. For example, heartbeat coherence apps with respiration exercises could be one of them, but also mediation, yoga, thai chi or relaxing massages for example.

8. Detoxify yourself

Recent studies have shown that detoxification can play an important role in reducing the progression of Parkinson’s Disease and improving overall quality of life for those living with the disease.
Recent studies conducted by N Nagashayana and P Sankarankutty suggest that detoxification therapies such as fasting, sweating, and a plant-based diet may have significant benefits for those suffering from Parkinson’s Disease. Specifically, these studies found that the elimination of toxins through detoxification therapies could reduce the intensity of Parkinson’s symptoms. This is due to the fact that certain toxins, such as heavy metals, can build up in the body and cause nerve damage, which can lead to an increase in Parkinson’s symptoms. Therefore, by eliminating these toxins, Parkinson’s disease sufferers may see a reduction in symptoms. Additionally, detoxification therapies may also promote the body’s natural healing processes.
According to a study conducted by T Lister and published in the Journal of Movement Disorders in 2020,  the detoxification of heavy metals can help reduce the severity of PD symptoms, particularly in the areas of motor control and cognitive functioning. The study also showed that detoxification could help to reduce inflammation, which is a major contributor to PD symptoms. Detoxification can be achieved through a variety of methods, including dietary modification, lifestyle changes, and the use of nutritional supplements.

9. Stay in contact with nature

Nature has a huge potential to help us to remain healthy and should be included in our health management. A recent cohort study from Harvard shows indeed how nature significantly impacts the occurrence of AD and PD and dementia. So give your organism a chance to reconnect to nature. It might be an effort to go to nature, especially for people living in cities, but it is often worth doing so.

10. Find your best way to improve life quality

These tips are general ideas on how to improve this critical physical and emotional process that is Parkinson’s. However, it is an individualized process in which each patient must find the own best strategies. Taking the time to find the best strategies for managing PD symptoms is highly beneficial for the individual’s well-being and quality of life. 

Even is there is no known cure for Parkinson’s, there are ways to manage the symptoms and improve quality of life.
Considering the 10 tips discussed, such as exercise, diet, stress management, and communication with healthcare professionals can help Parkinson’s sufferers maintain the highest possible quality of life and remain as independent as possible. It is important to keep in mind that everyone’s journey with Parkinson’s is unique, and that it is always a good idea to discuss with a healthcare provider the best approach for individual circumstances.

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The content of this article is not intended to provide any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
For all medical-related questions, please ask your qualified health professional.  


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