Noradrenaline, a “game changer” in Parkinson’s disease!

Noradrenaline, also called norepinephrine, is often under-evaluated in the relevance of impacting the lives of people having Parkinson’s disease. In this article, we will show why!

Why is noradrenaline so important? 

We all know that dopamine plays a crucial role in Parkinson’s disease and that losing dopaminergic neurons triggers motor, cognitive, and mood problems.

But what about noradrenaline? 

Noradrenaline is a neurotransmitter and hormone of major importance that is generated in the brain, specifically in the noradrenergic neurons. It has been somehow neglected compared to dopamine, even if it plays a crucial role in mood, cognitive and motor abilities in our organism!

There is indeed growing evidence that additional loss of noradrenaline neurons could be related to both motor and non-motor disorders in Parkinson’s.

Science increasingly highlights also the interdependence between dopamine and noradrenaline.

Noradrenaline has a major impact on mood!

An estimated 30% of people having Parkinson’s are subject to depression, and many of them regularly report bad moods. Being diagnosed with Parkinson’s is indeed hard to accept.  Supporting the debilitating consequences that are often quite visible can induce a depressive situation with low perspectives on life quality and negative evolution of the situation. But there is also a physiological reality and component that triggers these mood problems! And it becomes increasingly evident that noradrenaline is a crucial factor, and low levels are related to the following mental problems:

  • anxiety,
  • depression
  • bad mood
  • lack of interest
  • low energy
  • daytime fatigue
  • brain fog
  • general apathy

We will see later in this article how we can stimulate the increase of noradrenaline naturally to create better physiological conditions to fight Parkinson’s.

Low levels of Noradrenaline are related to memory and attention deficits!

In addition to bad moods, low levels of noradrenaline are also linked to memory deficits and related cognitive problems. The molecule is thought to play a role in the body’s stress response and helps to regulate sleep, increase alertness and arousal, and speeds reaction time.

Noradrenaline has also been shown to be related to migraine headaches and concentration deficits. It might be an interesting approach to improve concentration in people suffering from ADHD.

This exceptional molecule is an essential modulator of memory related to its ability to regulate synaptic mechanisms. Noradrenaline is released in a region of the brain called “locus coeruleus”, resulting in memory improvement.

How is noradrenaline impacting motor functions? 

A study by the University of Washington School of Medicine suggests that a noradrenaline loss could produce more profound motor deficits than a loss of dopaminergic neurons!
Impacting both dopamine AND noradrenaline deficits could have a very significant impact on motor conditions in Parkinson’s disease.

How can we increase noradrenaline and dopamine naturally? 

There are different ways to increase noradrenaline and dopamine levels in our organism and benefit from its highly positive properties.

  1. Doing regular exercise (ideally 30min per day).
  2. Improve sleep conditions.
  3. Consider small accomplishments.
  4. Create relaxing moments.
  5. Listening Music.
  6. Doing Meditation.
  7. Eating the right foods.

These ideas can absolutely help to improve the situation of déficit. Sometimes it is easier to say than to do!  The problem, especially with Parkinson’s, might be the lack of energy to realize some of the abovementioned intentions and to maintain them over time.
In this case, it could be worth granting you an extra boost and easy help with an adapted food supplement.
It is important to choose food supplements that have proven records that they actually increase noradrenaline and ideally also, dopamine. We have written an article about the scientific study of the food supplement Atremoplus.

It is also interesting to have a look at foods and which of them can positively impact our noradrenaline and dopamine levels in the body.

We can mention:

  1. bananas
  2. apples
  3. kale
  4. beans and legumes
  5. berries
  6. grapes
  7. cheese
  8. chicken.
  9. chocolate
  10. eggs
  11. fish and seafood
  12. green tea

It can be difficult in some cases to find good, fresh, and affordable foods that have not been processed industrially. We know that industrial food production and long transports with a risk of oxidation deplete the quality of the foods. These factors are known to destroy the nutrients and active ingredients.

If it seems complicated to access the right fresh food, or if structural conditions are related to the deficits, it might be interesting to complete the diet with adapted food supplements.
It is highly recommended to use food supplements that have been standardized in their content of active ingredients. This is of the most importance to guarantee a safe and easy dosage.

The right consideration for noradrenaline as an authentic game changer 

Dopamine is indeed a very important molecule that is also called the molecule of happiness. However, the right consideration of noradrenaline can absolutely contribute to playing a “game changer” role in understanding and completing the noradrenaline deficits observed in Parkinson’s disease sufferers. It could even be the next therapeutics frontier for Parkinson’s disease due to its significant impacting potential.

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The content of this article is not intended to provide any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
For all medical-related questions, please ask your qualified health professional.  


Delaville C, Deurwaerdère PD, Benazzouz A. Noradrenaline and Parkinson’s disease. Front Syst Neurosci. 2011 May 18;5:31. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2011.00031. PMID: 21647359; PMCID: PMC3103977.

Moret C, Briley M. The importance of norepinephrine in depression. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2011;7(Suppl 1):9-13. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S19619. Epub 2011 May 31. PMID: 21750623; PMCID: PMC3131098.

Tully K, Bolshakov VY. Emotional enhancement of memory: how norepinephrine enables synaptic plasticity. Mol Brain. 2010 May 13;3:15. doi: 10.1186/1756-6606-3-15. PMID: 20465834; PMCID: PMC2877027.

Rommelfanger, K. S., Edwards, G. L., Freeman, K. G., Liles, L. C., Miller, G. W., & Weinshenker, D. (2007). Norepinephrine loss produces more profound motor deficits than MPTP treatment in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(34), 13804–13809.

LeWitt, P.A. Norepinephrine: the next therapeutics frontier for Parkinson’s disease. Transl Neurodegener 1, 4 (2012).

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